Industry Focus
Food Processing Machinery Others
Products and Services Focus
Cold Chain Industry includes Perishable Cargo handling, Perishable storage, Cold Chain equipment for perishable produce, Cold room and refrigeration systems, Cold storage machinery & services, Environment & Combustion Control System, Heat exchange coils, Pack Houses/Warehousing, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Poultry and Dairy, Food Processing, Food Packaging, Financial Institutions & Banks, Pharmaceutical, Bio-Tech and Nutraceutical industry.
General Information
ICE Global Cold Chain India Expo 2010 will create a platform for knowledge sharing and business networking through projection of innovative and cost effective technologies and display of relevant Cold Chain services and equipments. This year involvement of Pharmaceutical, Bio-Tech and Nutraceutical Industry will make it even more bigger. The event will be held between 12-13 November 2010 at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi.
ICE First Global Cold Chain India Expo - Focused to Cold Chain.
Indian Agriculture is witnessing a shift towards its sub-sectors of horticulture, meat & poultry, dairy and their products, which all are perishables. Horticulture alone, in the last decade, has become the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, next only to China. India currently produces about 190 Million tones of fruits and vegetables. Diversification and value addition are the key words in the Indian agriculture today. These changes along with the emerging food retail sector, especially with the opening up of Foreign Direct Investment, have brought in a lot of opportunities in the domestic sector. Market liberalization and increasing shift in consumer demand have also offered attractive opportunities for agricultural exporters from developing countries.
Attendee Information
Cold Storage Associations;Cold Storage Owners;Cold Chain products' & services'providers;Refrigeration Industry;Fresh fruits & vegetables industry;Poultry & Dairy industry;Food Processing Industry;Food Packaging Industry;Transport logistics / shipping companies;International companies;Agricultural Institutes;Financial Institutions & Banks;Government agencies;Embassies
Exhibitor Information
Cold Chain equipment for perishable produces
Cold room and refrigeration appliances
Cold storage machinery & services
Perishable cargo handling
Environment & combustion control system
Perishable storage / grading technology
Heat exchange coils
Transport logistics / shipping companies
Refrigerated van & trucks / body builders
Power & automation technology
Centrifugal separators
IQF systems
Flow equipments , pumps & valves
Cooling pads & hest extractors
Pack houses / warehousing
Digital temperature controller & data logger
Cooling towers and other equipments
Other related products & services
Fresh fruits & vegetables
Poultry & Dairy
Food Processing
Food Packaging
Financial Institutions & Banks