Industry Focus
Edible Fats & Oils Spices & Seasonings Starch & Flour
Products and Services Focus
- Food & beverage ingredients
- Health, nutraceuticals, organic or functional ingredients
- Natural ingredients used in food & beverages, Medical remedies and nutraceuticals
General Information
The fast moving nature of the South East Asian food market is now well recognised, stimulated by rising living standards and accompanying changes in purchasing patterns and diet. Food ingredients (Fi) Asia is the only event in this region that unites the food ingredients community in one location.
Attendee Information
-Researchers & food technologists
- Manufacturers and producers
- Food and beverage retailers
- Suppliers and distributors
- Safety and quality professionals
- Consultants
- Government & trade associations
- Institutes and universities
- Media and press
Exhibitor Information
Our exhibitors represent the entire food ingredients value chain with companies that cultivate, extract, process or supply:
- Food & beverage ingredients
- Health, nutraceuticals, organic or functional ingredients
- Natural ingredients used in food & beverages, Medical remedies and nutraceuticals