Industry Focus
Beverages Food Packaging Food Processing Machinery
Products and Services Focus
Agricultural equipment, Agricultural products & services, Chemicals & fertilizers, Food transport, landscaping, Dairy Farming products, Poultry Farming, water treatment, warehousing, Air Conditioning, ventilation, cleaning equipment, Drink processing machines, Food packaging, Kitchen equipment, storage systems, Bakery products, processed food, fresh and canned food, meat and poultry, catering and baking equipment, soft drinks and juices.
General Information
Scheduled from December 6th to 9th 2010 at the State of the Art Erbil International Fairground, Iraq Agro-Food 2010, the 3rd international exhibition for agriculture, food, food processing and packaging serving Iraq’s needs- comes as a hands on answer to the rising agro needs of the country. The event will showcase a lineup of agricultural equipments, knowledge and expertise to tens of thousands of trade visitors.
Attendee Information
Food Experts,Traders,Businessmen included.
Exhibitor Information
Local and International Buyers,Investors,Distributors,Suppliers included.