Industry Focus
畜牧、家禽、水产、饲料、机械 Animal husbandry feed machinery
Products and Services Focus
1) livestock, poultry, aquaculture technology and equipment; Good varieties, breeding techniques, embryo technology and genetic engineering;
2) livestock, poultry, aquatic products, refrigeration freezing and processing technology and equipment, packaging technology and equipment;
3) livestock, poultry, aquaculture disease prevention, treatment and health care technology and equipment;
4) dairy industry processing technology and equipment;
5) veterinary medicine, fishery drugs products and processing equipment;
6), additives and feed processing equipment;
7) pet, water clusters and other special farming products, supplies and technical equipment; Grass, and other special farming products and technical equipment;
8) livestock and poultry waste treatment and recycling environmental protection techniques and equipment;
9) professional technical consulting and services; Professional media, web sites, publications, etc.
General Information
2023年越南国际畜牧展VIETSTOCK 将于2023年10月11-13日在越南胡志明市的西贡国际展览中心与VIETFEED,VIETMEAT同期举办。
Vietnam in 2023 international exhibition of livestock VIETSTOCK will on October 11-13, 2023 in ho chi minh city, Vietnam and VIETFEED international exhibition centre, sai kung, VIETMEAT held during the same period.
Since the first held in 2004, VIETSTOCK exposition and BBS in Vietnam international feed, livestock and meat industry established a good reputation; In the media exhibition will be even better. The exhibition sponsored by the world famous exhibition group UBM, has become a first-class professional exhibitions in southeast Asia. Here you will be able to establish contact with the industry leading enterprises, and to get the faithful suggestion, see the latest technology and products. The exhibition will also give you the latest information and excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of animal husbandry and feed etc.
Attendee Information
professional attendees
Exhibitor Information
professional exhibitors