Industry Focus
机械、物流、糖果、烘焙材料 Machinery logistics candy baked materials
Products and Services Focus
生成技术和设备展区: 原材料设备,存储技术设备,面粉技术设备,面粉运输设备,面包烘焙,小面包产品和面包烘焙,蛋糕和糕点技术,烤箱,烤箱装卸,制冷和发酵设备,面条和披萨制作设备,割绒机,其它面包房设备和配件等。原材料展区:磨碎产品,种子,谷物制品,烘焙代理,加工和混合物,发酵面团,发酵剂,食品添加剂,其它原材料,填充料,馅料,涂料和模具,特殊原材料,冰激凌,油类,乳制品,冷冻食品,制成品等
物流类展区: 内部外部货物运输,包装技术和材料,汽车和汽车配件流程优化类:自动操作系统,销售管理,生成管理,产品改进,生成规划等。销售类:商店配件和家具,商店设施和零件,广告材料,饮料类和饮料机械,零食出售机器,甜食和糖果机械等。清洁和消毒展区:清洁设备,废水处理,废物弃置,屋顶,墙面覆盖,地板等
现场操作展区: 办公室设备和家具,商店装饰计划,生成和操作场地规划,贸易软件,收银台,监视系统等。 通风设备,空调制冷技术:空气净化系统,光伏系统,通风设备等。通知系统展区:控制系统,电子商务,商品管理系统,网络服务,照片印刷,安全系统,库存管理系统,贸易软件等。实验和测量展区:实验室仪器,测量仪器,其它实验室设备等
服务展区: 培训,教育,咨询,规划,其它报刊,市场服务等。
General Information
2023年德国慕尼黑烘焙展览会 IBA由德国慕尼黑展览有限公司举办,展会预计展览面积达到130000平米,参展观众数量达到79700人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到1255家。
始于1949年的IBA展会是国际焙烤行业排名第一的专业烘焙博览会,每三年举办一次。主办方为德国焙烤协会-(German Bakers'' Confederation) ,展会管理与操作为德国手工业展览及博览会有限公司(GHM)。 每一届IBA盛会,来自世界各地的烘焙佼佼者将机器,设备,产品和服务及新的技术完美呈现,无论您是代表新生力量的中小企业还是工业烘焙的领头羊,在IBA您都将实现推广品牌,展现实力,实现沟通,助力销售并汲取行业新讯息的全部目标。
IBA盛会,除了展会本身的精彩呈现,IBA展会还为展商和观众准备了一系列专业级别的活动,培训及赛事,诸如: IBA峰会-来自全球的高级烘焙专家和决策者将互相讨论当下的热门话题和行业走向; IBA杯-谁才是世界最棒的焙烤家和甜点专家?看了才知道; IBA论坛-行业专家互相探讨技术和流行趋势;论坛和参观工厂; IBA特别奖-来看看行业具创新精神的产品和服务等等。
IBA baking exhibition in Munich, Germany, in 2023 by the exhibition co., LTD. Held in Munich, Germany, the exhibition is expected to exhibition area of 130000 square meters, the exhibition audience of up to 79700 people, 1255 exhibitors number and brand.
Began in 1949, IBA exhibition is the first professional baking international rankings for the baking industry expo, held every three years. Organizers for baking association - Germany (the German Bakers' Confederation), event management and operation for the German manufacturing co., LTD. (GHM) exhibition and fair. Each session of IBA event, from around the world one of the best baking machine, equipment, products and services and the new technology of perfection, whether you are on behalf of the new forces of small and medium-sized enterprises or baking industry leader, in IBA will be implemented to promote your brand, show strength, realize the communication, power sales all the goals and learning new information.
The exciting show of IBA event, in addition to the exhibition itself, IBA also the exhibition for exhibitors and visitors a series of professional level, training and competitions, such as: IBA summit - from advanced baking experts and policymakers around the world will discuss the current hot topic and industry towards each other; IBA cup - who is the world's best baking and dessert expert? See just know; IBA BBS - industry experts to explore technology and fashion trend; BBS and visit factories; IBA special award - look at the industry innovative products and services, and so on.
Attendee Information
professional attendees
Exhibitor Information
professional exhibitors