Industry Focus
食品加工设备、包装、运输 Food processing equipment packaging transport
Products and Services Focus
加工设备: 食品加工设备、食品饮料、啤酒、葡萄酒、果汁加工与包装设备、水果蔬菜加工与包装设备、肉类食品及乳制品加工、罐头、冷冻食品、快餐食品、休闲食品、焙烤食品及糖果加工设备、服务设施及环保设备等;
印刷包装: 各种包装机械、各种包装材料、包装容器、医药及日化产品包装设备、制罐设备、检测设备、零部件、包装技术。贴标,封口、密封、塑料、纸张、瓦楞与纤维板、柔性包装、包装设计、柔板与数字印刷、印码与制标、粘合剂、加工机械与设备等;
搬运装卸: 运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理设备和设施自动化,包括运输、装卸、包装,自动识别系统、自动检测系统、自动分拣系统、自动存取系统、自动跟踪系统等;
General Information
2023年法国里昂国际包装工业展将于11月21-23日在法国里昂国际会展中心举办,由欧洲著名的GL EVENTS公司主办,涵盖了从链条开始到包装,搬运和物流的整个过程。汇集了市场最新的领先技术和信息,可以为所有制造业提供服务。这将使更广泛的运营解决方案得以展示,并助力公司发展增效.该展为欧洲唯一致力于包装产业生态系统的活动!
Lyon, France, in 2023 the international packaging exhibition on November 21-23, held in Lyon, France international conference and exhibition center, hosted by the European famous GL EVENTS company, covers from chain to packaging, transport and logistics of the entire process. Brings together the leading technology and the latest market information, can provide service for all manufacturing. This will enable a wider range of operating solutions are shown, and help the company development efficiency. The exhibition for the only activity in Europe is committed to packaging industry ecosystem.
The last exhibition together more than 14000 professional audience, from the head of professionals in the field of (food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and mechanical industry), and organized 600 exhibitors, divided into three themes: mechanical equipment and processing technology, packaging and processing and handling. Prod&Pack rearrange a new processing technology for the factory equipment and packaging solutions, also provides the packaging inventory and processing a large number of consumables and terminal solution. All of these are in order to cover packaging products of the whole ecosystem.
Attendee Information
professional attendees
Exhibitor Information
professional exhibitors