Industry Focus
Food Packaging Food Processing Machinery Others
Products and Services Focus
Wine Groeing, Wine Making, Wine Packing, Oliver Farming, Marketing, Fruit Farming, Vegetable Farming, Wine Technology
General Information
1. An acclaimed business exhibition
92% visitor satisfaction rate
83% had already attended the event in 2005 and 91% intend returning in 2009
Strong business potential :
• 85% of farmers visiting the exhibition plan to buy new equipment within the next two years.
And this figure increases to 93% among international visitors!
• 87% of exhibitors were satisfied with their participation in SITEVI
• 35% of exhibitors did business during the 2007 show.
2. Premier international exhibition
25% of international trade visitors from 58 countries
the top 5 countries by number of visitors: Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany
significant growth:
- Eastern Europe: Croatia, Hungary, Romania,
Bulgaria, Slovakia, etc.
- Mediterranean Region: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey
- New world: USA, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand,
Australia, South Africa, etc.
-Emerging wine growing regions: China, Russia, India,Brazil, etc.
24% of the 795 exhibitors were international
74% of exhibitors at SITEVI have an export department
3. A genuine window on innovation
With its Innovation Awwards, SITEVI contributes to progress
In 2007, 22 prizes were awarded
Attendee Information
Growers (vine growers,winemakers, fruit/vegetable farmers, farm managers), industry professionals (distributors, importers, technical experts, winery managers, agricultural contractors,machinery cooperative managers, influencers, technicians) are the target visitors.
Exhibitor Information
Profile for exhibit include Specialized equipment for grape, fruit tree growing and grape harvesting equipment, wine-making and winery equipment, equipment for fruit packing, conserving and harvesting, equipment for associated vegetable crops, versatile equipment used in vine and fruit growing farms, wine-making equipment, viticultural, vinicultural and fruit-farming products, vegetables containers, miscellaneous services.