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Fish Africa 2009
Show Organizer (s):Exhibition Management Services
Event Date (s):2010-03-01 -- 2010-03-01
Venue:Johannesburg,South Africa
Address:Johannesburg,South Africa
Contact Person:Ms.  
Tel:+27-11-783 7250
Fax:+27-11-783 7269

Industry Focus
Aquatic Products Others

Products and Services Focus
fish related,visit our website for more details

General Information

Exhibition Management Services (Pty) Ltd ("EMS") the organisers of Fish Africa 2009, the 7th International Fishing Industry Exhibition, dubbed Africa's "Total" Fish Show today announced its postponement from October 2009 till March 2010.

EMS M.D, Mr. John Thomson said "Given the world economic situation in general and the state of Southern Africa's Fishing Industry in particular we convened a stakeholders meeting in Cape Town at the end of November.

Fish Africa has been running for 14 years and is finally established on the world calendar of fishing industry events but we needed a new "buy in" from participants to ensure the event retained its' vibrancy and relevance. Representatives from leading exhibiting companies were invited to a meeting to share their views on the current status and timing of the exhibition and to chart a way forward."

The consensus of the meeting was that Fish Africa should be co-located alongside another EMS event called Oil Africa in March 2010 as this would offer greater viewing choice allied to a busier time for visitors and all in the Maritime Industry. Oil Africa is essentially an Engineering Supplies Exhibition for Companies servicing West Africa's Offshore Oil Fields.

The motion for such a move was put forward by Mr. Todd Gaine, Managing Director of Pertec, a Company that supports both exhibitions. "There are very few companies these days who are suppliers to the Fishing Industry alone", he said, "the majority of Fish Africa Exhibitors would benefit from exposure to a wider audience from industries that they also do – or could - supply."

This was seconded by Mr. Alf Wallace and Mr. Rob Whitehead, Co-Directors of African Maritime Services who suggested that this would enable the scope of the event to be widened to include workboats and other maritime services.

Concluded Thomson, "As organisers we are bound to hear and listen to what our clients have to say. It is their industry and we are simply catalysts bringing about the event. We are therefore delighted to announce that Fish Africa will be taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 16th-18th March 2010."

Attendee Information
fish related,visit our website for more details

Exhibitor Information
fish related,visit our website for more details

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