Industry Focus
Bakery Foods Food Ingredients Food Packaging Food Processing Machinery Others Starch & Flour
Products and Services Focus
Bakery Machinery & Equipment, Raw Materials, Preservatives, Food Colours & Chemicals, Baking Ovens, Devices, Tins, Moulds, Decorative Materials, Display Cabinet, Refrigeration and deep Freezing, Packaging Machinery, Materials, Bakery Furnishing, Bakery Services and New Technology, Bakery Ingredients.
General Information
Belgian Bakery Event is national professional fair for the handicraft and industry of bakery, pastry, confectionery, biscuit, chocolate and ice-cream-making. Belgian Bakery Event is the premier event will be held at Brussels Exhibition Centre, Brussels, Belgium from 26 to 29 Sept. 2009.
Attendee Information
Importers and Distributors of Bakery Equipment, Ingredients and other supplies, traders, ministries, government institutions, trade consulates, Fast Food Restaurant are the target visitors.
Exhibitor Information
Profile for exhibit include Bakery Machinery & Equipment, Raw Materials, Preservatives, Food Colours & Chemicals, Baking Ovens, Devices, Tins, Moulds, Decorative Materials, Display Cabinet, Refrigeration and deep Freezing, Packaging Machinery, Materials, Bakery Furnishing, Bakery Services and New Technology, Bakery Ingredients.