Industry Focus
Food Packaging Food Processing Machinery Milk & Dairy Products Others
Products and Services Focus
Dairy Products
Dairy Product Processing Equipments and Ingredients
Cow Cultivation and Farm Facilities
General Information
World Dairy Expo & Summit / China, sponsored by Dairy Association of China, is the premier annual event in Chinese dairy industry. Each year, thousands of professionals from dairy products producers and farms, government officials, experts and reporters get together in this grand event.
This event is rotationally held among different regions in China. Qingdao is going to witness the World Dairy Expo & Summit / China'10 from June 8th to10th, 2010. During the exhibition, China Dairy Conference and many seminars will be arranged concurrently. The event will certainly be the very right platform to communicate with Chinese partners, to promote your products and even to spread reputation in China.
Review of Show 2009
World Dairy Expo & Summit / China'09 was held in Hangzhou from May 30th to June 1st, 2009. It attracted 151 companies from 15 countries, including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, USA.
During the Expo, Dairy Association of China held its 2009 Annual Meeting and a series of seminars on farm facilities and machineries, technical system of modern cow industry, cow cultivation, consumption & marketing. Meanwhile Sino-Dutch and Sino-US seminars were also very popular.
Attendee Information
Dairy Products
Dairy Product Processing Equipments and Ingredients
Cow Cultivation and Farm Facilities
Exhibitor Information
Cow Cultivation and Farm Facilities:
Cattle Breeding, Farm Facilities and Management, Milking Equipments and Accessories, Feeding Systems, Manure Treatment Systems, Forage, Feed, Feed Additives and Feed Processing Equipments, Cattle Health-Care and Medicines, Fresh Milk Storage and Transportation, Dairy Analyzer
Dairy Product Processing Equipments and Ingredients:
Ingredients and Additives, Packing Equipments and Materials, Dairy Product Processing Production Lines, Equipments and Accessories for Separation, Mixing, UHT, Fermentation, Sterilization, Cold Storage and Transportation Equipments, Dairy Analyzer
Dairy Products:
Liquid Milk, Yogurt, Milk Powder, Cheese, Butter, Ice-Cream, Health-Care Products
Association, Organization, Consulting Services, Website, Publication and so on