Industry Focus
Food Processing Machinery Food Tech. Services Others
Products and Services Focus
Horticulture and Floriculture, Information Technology Products, Seed and Biotechnology, Fertilizers & Micronutrients, Pesticides & PGR, Agro and Rural Industries, Rural Consumer Products, Farm Mechinary, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Agriculture research & Extension, Rural Institution & NGOs, Animal Feed & Veterinary Products, Sugar & Bi-Products Dairy and Processed Food, Banks & Financial Sectors, Poultry & Poultry products.
General Information
AGROFORUM, under which will be held Eighth universal agroindustrial exhibition Farmer of Ukraine. Forum is held with assistance of the Committee of Verhovna Rada of Ukraine on Agricultural Policy and Land Relationships. In frame of Forum will be held Seventh All-Ukrainian competition for the best Farmer's economy, Farmer's cooperative society and Subsidiary economy of Ukraine.
In November 16-18, 2005 on the territory of the largest Ukrainian exhibition ground, that provides its visitors and participants with up-to-date international level and service, will take place II International AGROFORUM '2005, under which will be held Seventh universal agroindustrial exhibition 'Farmer of Ukraine'.
Attendee Information
In November 16-18, 2005 on the territory of the largest Ukrainian exhibition ground, that provides its visitors and participants with up-to-date international level and service, will take place II International AGROFORUM '2005, under which will be held Seventh universal agroindustrial exhibition 'Farmer of Ukraine'.
Exhibitor Information
Profile for exhibit include Horticulture and Floriculture, Information Technology Products, Seed and Biotechnology, Fertilizers & Micronutrients, Pesticides & PGR, Agro and Rural Industries, Rural Consumer Products, Farm Mechinary, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Agriculture research & Extension, Rural Institution & NGOs, Animal Feed & Veterinary Products, Sugar & Bi-Products Dairy and Processed Food, Banks & Financial Sectors, Poultry & Poultry products.