Industry Focus
Food Processing Machinery Food Tech. Services Others
Products and Services Focus
Machinery and equipment, Plant protection and plant care, Tractors, transport vehicles, conveying equipment, Renewable energies and bioenergies, Field vegetable growing, organic farming, Farm inputs (biotechnology / seed, fertilising, plant protection, fuels and lubricants), Precision Farming, Management, information, science and research.
General Information
Agritechnica is the world's largest exhibition for agricultural innovations. All the leading companies in the branch show their products and services there. With the latest developments in farm inputs and management methods for plant production and with large numbers of international events, Agritechnica attracts over 340,000 visitors from all over the world. With 18 exhibition halls, over 320,000 sqm exhibition floor space and some 2,000 exhibitors.
Attendee Information
Farmers, Trade operators (Retailers, Wholesalers, importers-exporters), Agricultural Entrepreneurs, Institutions and associations, Consumers are the target audience.
Exhibitor Information
Exhibition programme for Agritechnica include Machinery and equipment, Plant protection and plant care, Tractors, transport vehicles, conveying equipment, Renewable energies and bioenergies, Field vegetable growing, organic farming, Farm inputs (biotechnology / seed, fertilising, plant protection, fuels and lubricants), Precision Farming, Management, information, science and research.