We are offering REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL is a healthy choice for cooking and dressings when you're looking for a light, mild taste. It grew in popularity during the last decades of the 20th century to take its place alongside other oils with healthy fats like canola, flax and olive oils SUNFLOWER OIL is a good source for vitamin e. One tbsp. Has 40.6 percent of the recommended daily allowance, more than corn, olive or soybean oil.
1 iodine value (wijs) 118 - 141
2 saponification value (mg kohg oil) 188 - 194
3 refractive index (at 40oc) 1,461 - 1,468
4 specific weight (at 20oc) 0,910 - 0,920
5 cold test (after 24 hours) negative
6 arsenic (as) 0,1 ppm maximum
7 ffa% by wt. Basis 0.25% max
8 moisture 0.10% max
9 acid value 0.50 max
10 para oxide value 0.5 max
11 fatty acid composition (%) miristic acid c 14:0 0- 0.2
palmitic acid c 16:0 5.0 - 7.5
palmitoleic acid c 16:1 0.5 maximum.