Malting unity machine integrates processes suchi an wheat soaking , germination , drying into one . Wheat soaking tanks , germination boxes and drying ovens won’t be needed. While soaking wheat , the procedures such as pouring ,drainage , ventilation and water spraying are carried out automatically and can suit many kinds of soaking means .Once finished , there is no need to remove materials , wheat starts to germinate naturally . The wind temperature and humidity are controlled automatically and wheat will be turned over in time so as to ensure the quality of malt . After germination , drying treatment is carride out automatically , due to the drying procedures of high-efficient ovens with single layer so that energy consumption is reduced . Automation is realized throughout the whole process .
This equipment is mainly applied to malt produce , including soaking , sprouting , drying processes , and it is also used to sprout and germinate for the other seed .
The mainly function is use the ingress and egress of water and ventilation to finish the soaking process . made the barley basorb enough moisture and ensure the requirement of sprout .Then use the ventilation and spray system finish the barley sprout processing , wait for the malt grow up ,use the hot-wind system drying green malt , finish the whole malt produce process.
The outstanding character of equipment is save the operate and produce space of soaking ,sproting ,drying processes , and integrate this three absolute processes in a all-in-one equpiment , save all construction project and leave out the feeding procedrue of the three working procedure , savings investment , saving labor force , energy conservation , reduce production costs and improve labor productivity .