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abalone farm package,Australia price supplier

abalone farm package
min.order / fob price
≥1 piece
Production Capacity
CategoryAlive Seafoods
Update Time2024-03-26
company profile
H.J.Foster & Co
Contact: Ms.Mr.   Foster
Tel: 61-8-868421
Number of Employees: Less than 5 People
Business Type: Manufacture
product details

Detailed introduction to abalone farm package:

This Green Lip Abalone farm is located at Farm Beach near Coffin Bay in South Australia.

All the equipment to make it a going concern is included in this package.  For Sale is 1 x 13mt maintenance vessel with crane, 1 x 6mt pontoon hull aluminium feed/work vessel with Yamaha 115hp outboard.  Approximately 30 Tool Tech abalone cages consisting of 20 trays in each cage, feed system to feed 1 cage in 5 minutes without lifting, 1 x very large steel floating cage, various long lines, ropes buoys, anchors etc.  Upon the sale of this package I will transfer a 1 x 5 ha at sea abalone lease to your name.  $120,000 for the lot.

Ph:   John   0427-821-281 or Andrew  0402-254-124 

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