Cistanche Tubulosa tea One teabag a day, keeps you energetic and healthy.
Main Materiel: Cistanche Tubulusa, refined tea(Oolong Flavor)
About Cistanche Tubulusa:
C.T. is a rare root-parasitic-plant, only be found on the desert plant’s root. It’s been recorded in China’s most ancient pharmacy book: Shen Nong’s Herbal. This plant, also be called as “the desert ginseng”, has been used as food or drink for more than 1000 years in China.
Recent research shows that C.T. , not only rich of vitamins and dietary minerals, it also contains variable kinds of phenylethanoid glycosides, these components are called “life-extending gene”, with functions as follows:
-Improve memory
-Enhance Immunity
-Improve kidney function
-Improve peristalsis and slow down intestinal water absorption to relieve constipation.