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Spanish CILANTRO, dried fruit, common name of the seed of Coriandrum sativum, a feathery annual herb/spice of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).
The word " coriander " is derived from the Greek word koris, meaning "bug. Native to the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, coriander " is cultivated in Europe, Morocco. Also known as cilantro (leaves) or Chinese parsley , it is highly esteemed in Latin America and Asia, particularly in China, India, and Thailand. The Thais use the whole plant.
Its delicate young leaves are widely used in Latin-American, Indian, and Chinese dishes. Records of the use of coriander date to 5000 BC. The Romans used it to flavour bread. It was once used as an aromatic and carminative, but its only modern use in medicine is to mask unpleasant tastes and odours of drugs.