Arguna leave( Dregea volubilis )is a species of plant in the Apocynaceae family that is native to India.
Sneeze Wort is a stout, smooth, hoary, or mealy, woody vine. The leaves are ovate, or somewhat rounded, 7.5-15 centimeters long, 5-10 centimeters wide, rather leathery, rounded or pointed at the base, and pointed at the tip. Flower cymes are axillary or interpetiolar, and umbellike. The flowers are green or yellowish green, about 1 cm across, fragrant. The follicles long, turgid, longitudinally ribbed, and velvety until mature. The seeds are elliptic, concave, smooth, shining, sharp-edged, and crowned with very fine, white, silky hairs. Flowering: April-September.
The leaves are much employed as an application to boils and abscesses. The roots and tender stalks are considered emetic and expectorant. The young roots are cut and the exuding juice is inserted into the nose to cause sneezing