Fresh Chilled - Yellow fin tuna H&G (Headless Gilled, Guttered, TailLess)
Product Specifications:
* Tuna Is Gilled & Guttered, Onboard fishing vessel and Put into Flake Ice, Chilled Bath water Temperature .
* Tuna is Offload to Processing Facility, Temperature meshured and maintained between 0 C to 5 C , each fish will be Graded individually,
a Laboratory Sample will be taken analysis, each fish will be numbered and weighed.
* All Tuna’s which meets to Export Sashimi grade quality will then be Packed after head and tail is removed.
*Size of each fish will vary between 15kg to 120kg per fish.
0°C to 5°C
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Yellow fin Tuna Loins (Vacuum Packed, Skin Off, Blood Line Removed, Loins)
Product Loins Specification:
More Products Includes:
Maldives Catch Method: For Yellow fin Tuna & Reef Fishes
Catch Method for Skipjack Tuna
Fish will be filleted for loins, tail ends will be cut off, and loin will be trimmed, to removed Black meat.
Vacuum Packed in Polythene bags, Labeled, Size: 0.5kg to 1.9kg and 3kg to 5kg per loin
Each loin will be processed depending on customers specific requirement,
Belly Flaps: Vacuum Packed.
Saku Blocks
All fish caught for export in Maldives is caught by Hand and a Line, each fish caught individually, so its
Dolphin Friendly and there are no by catches
: Pole and Line again each fish caught individually with a pole and a line.
To all our Product a certification will be given as Dolphin Friendly
Fresh Chilled Yellow fin Tuna
Loins in Chill Bath Vacuum Packed