Product > Fresh Fruits > 

Honeydew Melon,United States price supplier

Honeydew Melon
min.order / fob price
≥1 piece
Production Capacity
CategoryFresh Fruits
Update Time2011-05-24
company profile
Canadian Fruit & Produce Co. Ltd.
United States
Contact: Mr.Mr. Sir or Madam
Tel: 1-416-259
Number of Employees:
Business Type: Trading Company  
product details

These large, choice MELONs-p1.html" target='_blank'>melons have either green or orange flesh. As honeydews ripen, they turn from green to creamy white to yellow

These large, choice melons have either green or orange flesh. As honeydews ripen, they turn from green to creamy white to yellow. A perfectly ripe honeydew will yield just a bit to pressure at the blossom end and have a sticky, velvety rind.
Style: Fresh Product Type: Melon Type: Honeydew
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