It's rind makes this fruit look like a regular orange, but the juicy, red-brown pulp of this seasonal fruit
The Italian Blood orange
The Italian Blood Orange
It's rind makes this fruit look like a regular orange, but the juicy, red-brown pulp of this seasonal fruit will surprise and delight.
What is it?
The Blood Orange is prized and enjoyed for its red flesh and its deep, red-coloured juice. Italians love the fruit because it is sweet without being bitter, and has a rich, juicy flavor.
Does it have any nutritional value?
One medium-sized blood orange contains a whopping 130 percent of the US Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin C. The element that gives the blood orange its red hue anthocyanin an antioxidant that reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Aside from this, blood oranges are a valuable source of iron, calcium and Vitamin A.
What do I do with it?
Blood oranges can be drunk in juices, or used in salads and desserts.
There are three types of blood orange: the tarocco, the sanguinello and the moro.