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Johnnie Walker Scotch Blue Label 750ml
Johnnie Walker® Blue Label ™ is our rarest blend. This isn’t a whisky for beginners. It’s challenging and an acquired taste, but like the finest rewards in life is worth it. Created from the rarest and most expensive whiskies in the world, Blue Label™ has the authentic character and flavour of a traditional nineteenth century blend, just like those that John Walker and his son Alexander developed for their most valued customers. Blue Label™ is made from a few exceptional whiskies with powerful flavours. Each bottle is precious to us and is individually numbered. Each contains a rare taste and gives an intense experience. |
Product Type: Whisky | Alcohol Content (%): 40 | Type: Blended Whiskies |
Distillation Type: Compound Distilled | Packaging: Bag, Barrel, Bottle | Brand Name: Johnnie Walker Scotch Blue Label 75... |
Grade: blue label | Place of Origin: London United Kingdom | Producing Region: scotland |