Product Name: Lotus Herbal tea
Component: Wulong tea, lotus leaf, haw, chrysanthemum, thereinto 5% of Wulong tea, other materials of lotus leaf, haw, chrysanthemum take 95%
Effect: Lotus leaf can promote catabolism of fattiness, diuresis and eliminate constipation. Each month 1.5-2.5kg of weight can be lost.
Dose: 1 teabag per cup, 2-3 per teapot. Add freshly boiled water and werve after 2-3 minutes. The delicate flavor is best appreciated without addition of milk or sugar.
Addition: It is not suitable for pregnant women or during menstruation; due to different constitution of different people, maybe there is some discomfort. But as one nature food, lotus never has any harm to peoples' health.