Mediterranean Nuts are lower in calories than other pine nuts,
Have a favorable omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, almost ten times higher than other pine nuts,
Contain high levels of cholesterol-lowering phytosterols - pignolia tie with pistachios for the highest phytosterol content of all nuts,
Contain more than twice the protein of other nuts including other pine nuts. This feature of pignolia makes them especially useful as a nutritional supplement for athletes, who have greater than average protein requirements. This is also useful for anyone who wants to add nutrient-rich calories to their diet without adding excessive fat. At 34% protein by weight, Mediterranean pine nuts are richer in protein than any other plant food, including soybeans (10%), Sesame Seeds (18%), Sunflower seeds (21%), and even hemp seeds (33%). Pignolia are more expensive than other nuts and seeds, but their nutritional profile makes them a very valuable addition to an athlete's diet. They also contain a distinctive type of polyunsaturated fat called delta5-olefinic acids.6 One of these fatty acids, pinolenic acid, has been shown to curb appetite in women by increasing secretion of satiety hor mones. Contac us for your best price quotes.