≥1 piece |
And now available with fox's spirits. It´s a Confidential Tip!
Naumann Herbal Bitterly: We have contained herbs Bitterly on offer him many different herbs from the Delitzscher region. The original recipe of Naumann is Bitterly from 1927, as far as we could investigate this. This contains, for example, Kalmus, gentian, bitter orange bowl and many other wholesome herbs. The addition of sugar it was renounced and still he has a charming mark. In the mouth Naumann unfolds Bitterly his full harmonious effect intensely tasting of herbs. In his departure he is very soft and he leaves no scratching in the palate and in the neck. He gets on very well with all citrus fruits. In the cocoa he provides for a more intensive cocoa taste. Naumann has Bitterly 32% Vol. and is in rounds 0.35 l of bottle for a = 23 euros.
The Prices:
1 Carton with 6 Bottles = 138 EUR
10 Cartons = 1.340 EUR
100 Cartons = 13.100 EUR
1000 Cartons = 129.500 EUR
cash with order
FOB Hamburg Harbour All Paperworks is your Work. The delivery is finished on the Entrence to the Hamburg Harbour. You give me all details about your Transportcontacts and the Containerplace.
1 EURO-Palette with 150 Cartons are ca. 750 Kg + 25 Kg and 1.60 m + ca.15 cm high. Price 19.650 €uro
Exquisite Product!