MORINGA is a powerful stimulant of the immune system and a unique element of the traditional Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda, which can prevent more than 300 diseases and Ginger breaks down fats and increases the body's ability to burn them.
Organic Moringa / Ginger Herbal Tea (Moringa oleifera / Zingiber)
directly from pure organic gardens in Sri Lanka
MORINGA - "Tree of Life" - the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times. Its leaves are rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc), proteins and amino acids.
• Strong antioxidant
• Slows down the aging of the body
• Reduces cholesterol
• Natural antidepressant
• Removes toxins
• Promotes Weight Loss
• Alertness and energy.
• Antioxidants, including polyphenols and catechins.
• Calms Nausea.
• Soothes Sore Muscles.
• Eases Arthritis Symptoms.
• Curbs Cancer Growth.
• Lowers Blood Sugar.
• Eases Period Pains.
100 g of dried MORINGA leaves contain:
• vitamin A - 10 times more than in carrots
• vitamin C - 12 times more than oranges
• potassium - 10 times more than bananas
• calcium - 17 times higher than in milk
• magnesium - 30 times more than eggs
• iron - 20 times more than spinach