1.Appearance and Properties: white to almost white crystalline granules or powder

2.Assay: 90% and 95%,more than 99%


No. Items Value (Soybean) Value (Wooden)
1 Assay / (%) 90.0-95.0 99
2 ß- sitosterol / (%)  ≥40.0 ≥80
3 Campesterol / (%) ≥15.0
4 Stigmasterol / (%) ≥10.0
5 Moisture / (%) ≤2.0 ≤2.0
6 Heavy Metals (as Pb) / (mg/kg) ≤10 ≤10
7 Melting Point / (°C)  130~145 130~145
8 Total Aerobic Microbial Count / (CFU/g) ≤3000 ≤3000
9 Molds and Yeasts / (CFU/g) ≤300 ≤300

4.Applications: phytosterol can be widely applied in the sectors of medication, health food, functional cosmetics and high-quality feedstuffs.

5.Packing: 25 kgs/bag(Kraft paper bag attached polyethylene endometrium bag); 500 kgs/bag (food-grade FIBC:Flexible lntermediate Bulk Container); or packaged according to customer requirements.

6.Storage conditions: It should be stored in sealed packages and placed in dry, ventilated and dark environment at room temperature.

7.Shelf life: 24 months