≥1 piece |
Specific density (AT 20c): 0,918 - 0,920
Refractive index (AT 40c): 1.467 -1.469
Transparency of oil, max: 10 fem Acidity mg KOH % gm oil max: 0,1 - 0,6
Peroxide value mMol/kg oil max: 0,1 - 0,7
Color value iodine, mg max: 4
Iodine value (WIJS): 110 - 144
Moisture & Volatile % max: 0,06
Saponification value, mg KOH/gm oil: 188 - 194
Phosphorus containing matter (P205): Negative
Non-fatty Impurities, % max: Negative
Coloring materials, allowed to ad: According to the international standard Artificial flavors,
allowed to ad:
According to the international standards Anti oxidants: 200mg/kg but galate not more than
lOOmg/kg Preservative agent: According to the international standards Anti foaming: lOmg/kg
Anti crystallization: 1250mg/kg
Soap content: 0,005 max
Unsoluble impurities % mass: 0,5 max