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Russian Standard vodka 750ml 1000ml
Russis is a Standart is a genuine vodka, which is distilled to the Tsar's premium quality standard established in 1894.
By bringing together traditional manufacturing processes and state of the art technology, they have been able to revive a recipe that their forbears took pride in. Russky Standart owes its quality to selected golden grains of Wheat from Russia's heartlands and pure glacier water from the frozen North. It's distillation is a painstaking and costly process that demands exceptional control and expertise.
Only through the passion and dedication of their distillers, have they been able to recreate the true 'Russky Standart'.
Vodka with a superbly smooth taste and of a quality unchanged for over a century.
Please check out website for orders www.nexgengroups.com.sg
Product Type: |
Alcohol Content (%): |
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Place of Origin: |
Russian Federation
Brand Name: |
Russian Standard vodka
Model Number: |
Russian Standard vodka 750ml 1000ml
Shelf Life: |