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A top quality product with high potency to reduce blood cholesterol, and the only product in the world has been tested and certified as Health Food by Canadian Health Ministry and Chinese SFDA. All capsules are made purely from natural seal oil and in certified GMP premises.
The product is effective to reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, especially in reducing blood cholesterol. The oil is hundred percent from seal fat and unlike fish oil, the content of Dioxins, PCBS and heavy metals are found to be extremely low and undetected, respectively. In addition, the ratio of DPA to EPA in seal oil is different from fish oil and is more than 1, and the oil also contains high amount of DPA, a n3 fatty acids, which is essential for both brain and eyes development and maintenance as well. For further information of the product, please contact us.
Each bottle contains 120 capsules and each capsule contains 500 mg seal oil with more than 20% n3 fatty acids.