Betel chewing
Betel chewing is a part of many Asian cultures and is often chewed at ceremonies and gatherings, and preparation techniques vary from region to region. The nut is either slivered or grated, often flavoured with Spices according to local tradition, and usually wrapped in a betel leaf (note that betel leaf comes from the Betel pepper plant Piper betle, which is not botanically related to the Betel Palm), along with some lime (calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide) to better extract the alkaloids. Some people also chew tobacco with Betel Nut. After about 20 minutes of chewing, the fibrous residue which remains of the nut is spat on the street, where it remains visible due to its characteristic bright red dye. Trails of bright red sputum lining the sidewalks are a sure indication of the popularity of betel chewing in an area.
Betel Nut
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