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From the egg to the turbot of market size, more than 30 months are required to ensure a quality product and continuous availability.
The breeding tanks are specialy designed to reproduce the natural conditions of life of the turbot. Specialized teams are in charge of all the steps of the production : their goal is to bring the best possible adaptation of the breeding techniques to the species, bring the fish health, and respect its natural rythms in order to produce a turbot which qualities are similar to the best wild turbots.
Nutrition plays a primordial role at each stage. Control of feedingstuffs is one of the permanent commitments which guarantee the quality
of the finished product of FRANCE TURBOT.Turbots are fed 2 or 3 times a day by hand.
The specification requires the producer to maintain optimum environmental conditions at all times (water quality tests, level of dissolved oxygen, etc.) favourable to fish. The turbots are sorted out during their growth to make homogeneous batches and adapt their food. Having reach market size and been fasted to ensure optimum health quality, the turbot are removed from the ongrowing tanks and prepared for the expeditions.
The turbot is identified, followed, and checked from birth until sale. A breeding record is kept at each stage. France Turbot has elaborated an efficient traceability system. This is one of the warranties offered by the Label Rouge turbot.