Xylitol was discovered by Nobel Prize winner Emil Fischer around 1900 has been used in foods since the 1960's
Xylitol was discovered by Nobel Prize winner Emil Fischer around 1900 has been used in foods since the 1960's and has been used widely as a popular Sweetener in diabetic diets (minimal effect - glycemic index of 7 - slow steady release of energy balances blood sugar and insulin levels). Xylitol is sugar that reduces plaque-forming bacteria and stimulates the production of saliva for dry mouth. Xylitol can have a particularly long term positive effect on the oral well being of children under the age of 12. Xylitol is an excellent low calorie sugar substitute. Use miradent Xylitol chewing gum immediately after eating and chew until the taste disappears. The use should be spread out over the day.