Product name: citrus aurantium extract
Specification: 6% Synepherin
Botanical Origin: Citrus aurantium, L.
Part use: Fruit
Brief introduction:
Citrus aurantium, L. is also known as sour orange. In Chinese, it is called zhishi. In China, it has been used for hundreds of years as a medcine to cure typhoid fever and other diseases. Modern research shows that citrus anrantium extract containing synepherin can be useful in controlling body weight.
Application: weight loss
Citrus aurantium extracts are being marketed as a safe alternative to ephedra in herbal weight-loss products. C. aurantium, contains synephrine, which is structurally similar to epinephrine.
Fugh-Berman A, Myers A. Citrus aurantium, an ingredient of dietary supplements marketed for weight loss: current status of clincal and basic research. Exp. Biol. Med. 229(2004): 698-704.