Grape Seed Extract is powerful antioxidant, it protects living tissue and aids in circulation, grape seed Extract also provides cardiovascular protection by preventing oxidation of lipoproteins, making them less likely to stick to blood vessel walls.
Benefits: Tooth decay—seed phenolics may inhibit oral sugar metabolism and retard growth of certain bacteria causing dental caries. Osteoporosis—grape seed extracts enhanced bone density and strength in experimental animals. Skin cancer—grape seed proanthocyanidins decreased tumor numbers and reduced the malignancy of papillomas. Grape Seed Extract has the ability to bond with collagen; promotes youthful skin, cell health, elasticity and flexibility. Ultraviolet damage to skin—dietary proanthocyanidins may protect against carcinogenesis and provide supplementation for sunscreen protection. Other studies show that grape seed extract proanthocyanidins help protect the body from sun damage and help support vision. Grape Seed Extract has been shown to support flexibility in joints, arteries and body tissues such as the heart. Research studies have shown that Grape Seed Extract helps support blood circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins.