Appearance Creamy white colour
Senses Creamy, Sweet, typical goat milk flavour
Milk Fat Approximately 29 % m/m
Protein Approximately 26.6 % m/m
Moisture <4%
Ash <8%
Lactose 35.9% m/m
Standard plate count <30,000 cfu per Millilitre
Coliforms <10 cfu per Millilitre
1. Coli <10 cfu per Millilitre
Yeast/Mould <100 cfu per Millilitre
Salmonella Absent /25g
Extraneous Matter Absent / 100g
Antibiotics Absent (no detection at 0.0015 ug/ml
• Processing
• Process step Control Points.
• Pasteurization Temperature: 74 – 76oC.
• Holding time: Min 15 sec.
• Cooling at 5oC or below.
• Storage Bulk milk stored in sanitized storage vat at 5oC or below. Packaged milk stored under refrigeration
• Evaporating Goats milk is evaporated prior drying
• Drying Spray drying concentrated goat’s milk into a free flowing powder.
• Packing Weight/Volume controlled filling into food grade packing materials.
• Product Volume The volume of the packaging will not be less than the volume