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Basic information about sheep
Taxonomy is the classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of origin, structure, etc. Sheep are closely-related to other farm livestock, especially goats.
Taxonomy of sheep
Kingdom Animalia Animal
Phylum Chordata Vertabrae (has spinal cord)
Sub-phylum Vertibrata
Class Mammalia Mammal (nurses young)
Order Ungulata Hoofed animal
Sub-order Artiodactyla Even toed
Family Bovidae Hollow horns
Sub-family Caprinae Sheep and goats
Genus Ovis Sheep
Species aries Domestic sheep
Early domestication
Domestication is when an organism is trained or adapted to live with people. Domestication often changes the appearance and behavior of the organism. While dogs were the first animal to be domesticated, sheep and goats are tied for second and are the first animals to be domesticaled for agricultural purposes. They were domesticated over 10,000 years ago.