These are the codes of the French Navy that inspired Chocolat Mathez to create its latest metal tin «NAVY» which showcases French know-how.
Invented in a «French Touch» atmosphere, the Navy metal tin cultivates both modernity thanks to its very refined style, and tradition with its beret and the story it conveys.
Remaining true to its values, Chocolat Mathez proposes a 250g metal tin with plain truffles. It is a product with elegant design that conveys all the values of the brand and contains all the savor of the Mathez truffle.
To hit the jackpot!
This metal tin totally shows the codes of French heritage and French Navy. On the lid of the tin, find the red pompom of the Navy beret, which brings a trendy effect to the design. As tradition says: « touching the pompom of a Navy beret provides good luck ».