Product > Herbal Tea > 

Moringa Lemon Tea,India Grenera Nutrients Pvt Ltd price supplier

Moringa Lemon Tea
min.order / fob price
≥1 piece
Production Capacity
CategoryHerbal Tea
Update Time2023-08-18
company profile
Grenera Nutrients Pvt Ltd
Contact: Mr.P Subramaniam
Tel: 91-424-2283846
Number of Employees: < 20
Business Type: Manufacture
product details
Brand:Grenera Nutrients Pvt Ltd


Moringa Lemon Tea contains dried Moringa leaves, Moringa fruit pieces in combination with lemongrass pieces and natural lemon flavor. The lemon grass gives aromatic lemon flavor and taste to the healthy infusion and this is preferred as a refreshing evening drink. 
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