Ingredients: fermented willow tea, licorice root, marsh wild rosemary, thyme, plantain, yarrow flowers.
SWAGSHOOK Expectorant of plant origin. The action is due the presence of volatile components of rosemary essential oil - palustrol, ice, which, excreted through the bronchi, have a moderate local irritant action on mucous membranes, increase the secretion of bronchial glands and increase the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract.
Marsh Ledum has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, has anti-inflammatory, as well as diuretic and antimicrobial activity. Has an exciting effect on the central nervous system.
Licorice root, thyme, plantain and yarrow are also used for respiratory tract disease. The action of each plant reinforces each other.
If the cough is not started, the cough disappears within*** days, the lungs begin breathe easily and freely. Good for daily use asthmatics and tuberculosis. To avoid side effects if abused, we diluted the mixture of herbs with ivan tea 55%. For TB dispensaries, we can make when ordering this drink individually without Ivan-tea, to enhance the action active ingredients for the respiratory tract.
1 Box - 27 pcs