Rhubarb has an illustrious history of inclusion in many laxative preparations. It is generally considered a mild laxative that produce a soft stool 6-10 hours after ingestion. Rhubarb is especially well suited for children since it is very mild in action. Rhubarb Root has a purgative action for use in the treatmentof constipation, but also has an astringent effect too. therefore, has a truly cleansing action upon the gut, removing debris and then astringing with antiseptic properties as well. The primary chemical constituents of Rhubarb include anthraquinones,that contribute to the laxative and purgative proper
1.Rheum palmatum extract Chrysophanol has fuction of Antibacterial;
2.Rheum palmatum extract Chrysophanol has fuction of relieve a cough;
3.Rheum palmatum extract Chrysophanol has fuction of anti-aging;
4.Rheum palmatum extract Chrysophanol have a diuretic effect.
1.Chrysophanol Applied in the pharmaceutical field;
2.Chrysophanol Applied in the health products industry.