Removal of a small quantity of undesirable oversize particles in a high-throughput process.
Dry Material
Gravity Filtering / Product Recovery Filtering oversize solids from all types of slurries,or dewatering solid/liquid mixtures. Reclaiming usable solids or clarifying liquids, either of which has further economic value.
Solid/Liquid Mixtures
FRUIT JUICES - fish - soybean oil -brewer`s yeast - sugar beets -other food products
- latex -paint - catalyst - pulp and paper -carpets - animal blood - tallow -ceramic
- kaolin - metallurgy -pharmaceuticals - ice cream
Wastewater Clean-Up and Water Pollution Control Efficient recovery of usable solids,
and water clean-up and re-use.
Effluent Streams Potato peelings and waste - fruits- other food products - latex
and other chemical products -manure - sewage - fruit -vegetable and pickle canneries
-meat - poultry and seafood processors - brewery waste - laundry waste - pulp
and paper effluent
Widest Range of Materials Screened.
VICTORY separators can handle such a broad range of materials...
Wet or dry, fine or coarse, heavy or light. Particles as fine as 400 mesh can
be screened at high production rates.
Single or Multiple Separations.
As many as four screen decks can be incorporated in one VICTORY
Separator, providing simultaneous separation into five fractions.
Less Blinding.
Vibro-Energy action holds most screen blinding to an acceptable
minimum. However, cerlain materials have inherent blinding
characteristics. For unusual situations, VICTORY has developed
Accessories to eliminate blinding.
Greater Capacity.
In comparative tests, VICTORY Separators have shown greater capacity
per square foot of screening area(from 1 to 90 sq.ft)than other types of
screening devices.
Highest Efficiency.
Our Auto-Lock force wheel adjustment coupled with our computer
motion analyzer system assuses more efficient processing than any
other screening device. VICTORY`s portable to all customers through our
technical audit aftermarket service program.
Longer Screen Life.
Each screen cloth is held in uniform tension by drawing it taut on tension
rings.The drum-tight without whipping against rigid supports, greatly
reducing screen wear and increasing screen life.
Minimal Transmitted Vibration.
No special flooring or foundation is generally required.The unit may
be placed(and easily moved) wherever it is needed. Many users
mount their VICTORY units on casters, on top of bins, on open grids,
on wood, on upper floors, or on light structures not designed for
rectangular vibratory screening equipment.
Economy-Long Life, Less Power, Low Maintenance.
Simplicity of design with few moving parts assures long life with little
maintenance. Because of efficient design, VICTORY Separators
require less horsepower than other units of similar capacity. Remar
kably long screen life and the dase with which screens may be
changed result in further economies.