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WHEY PROTEIN POWDER,Malaysia price supplier

min.order / fob price
≥1 piece
Production Capacity
Update Time2013-02-25
company profile
P.B.R Enterprice Sdn Bhd
Contact: Mr.Ammar Danish
Tel: 60-019-3475929
Number of Employees: 100 ~ 500
Business Type: Manufacture & Trade
product details

  Optimum Nutrition Pure Whey Protein Powder

    1. Whey Protein Isolate, 99 percent Undenatured
    2. Wheat and Gluten Free
    3. 20 g Protein Per Serving and No Artificial Hormones
    4. Fat Free 
    5. 99 percent Lactose Free
    6. Mixes Easily
    7. Certified Gluten Free
    8. Kosher Dairy
    9. Free of Artificial Hormones Including rBST and rBGH
    10. Dietary Supplement
    11. Vegetarian
    12. GMP Certified
    13. Contains 100 percent pure Ultra Filtered and Micro Filtered, UF and MF, Whey Protein Isolate, the finest quality and most easily assimilated whey protein isolate. The Micro Filtration method isolates the natural whey proteins in a highly concentrated form and is fat free. This process leaves 99 percent of the peptides undamaged and undenatured

    14. Whey Protein has the lowest molecular weight of any protein.

    15. Whey Protein is rich in the highly bioactive fractions glycomacropeptide and beta lactoglobulin, immunoglobulin, glycopeptides, and lactoferrin, plus amino acids that support muscle tissue

    16. Sweetened with organic evaporated cane juice syrup

    17. Provides high levels of branched chain amino and glutamic acids, plus a perfect ratio of other amino acids

      Whey Protein is for anyone who desires additional protein in their daily diet

    18. This product has been manufactured at an GMP Registered facility 

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