≥1 piece |
The body of the mill is of metal ST-42
Upper part of the mill is double jacketed.
The frame of the machine metal
The hammering system is made of high quality special steel DDD16 MNCR 5. 65 HRC
The cell is made of Stainless Steel 304 material
Dust filterS |
3 | |
Engine power |
15 kw (EXPROOF) | |
Spiral motor and redactor |
1.1 kw | |
Reservoir engine power |
0.55 kw | |
Thinness |
20-25 micron | |
Production capacity |
800 kg/hour | |
Energy consumption |
17 kw/hour | |
Dimensions (mm) |
l 2400 x W1400 x H 2250 : 750 Kg | |